Monday, June 30, 2014

Reflection to 1-888-JUNK-VAN

After much consideration and additional research, this memo is prepared in response to the presentation by RKR team regarding five alternatives for 1-888-JUNK-VAN’s current database. I agree with the consultants and suggest that Mr. Kingo move forward with selecting a PaaS solution. As stated in the presentation, the main issue 1-888-JUNK-VAN is facing is a lack of a centralized database/software system that all company employees can access remotely and enter data simultaneously. 
After analyzing the five alternatives (Microsoft Access, custom application, Google Docs, Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Enterprise Resource Planning System), I agree with consultant and recommend Platform as A Service. Platform as a Service offers remote access and a centralized database which is key for eliminating customer errors and keeping the virtual business model. The system can be applied within three (3) days including data migration which will mitigate lost company time. The company will have access to software and applications that would otherwise be too expensive to purchase.
Kingo can create the company’s own applications and forms.   In addition, if Kingo feels the software needs to be customized, it will cost about $180.00 per hour. This system also offers two key items: varying levels of scalability and maintenance depending on the vendor.   The system has been quoted at $300- $600 per month based upon storage space, user licenses and applications. After comparison of the old business model with the new business model to understand the future profitability of JUNK VAN, and I believe we might see an increase in profit of  $ 45,000 as mentioned in the presentation.

Platform as a Service is hosted by a third party vendor, so Kingo does not need to install a server. It is also beneficial to the company that there is no long term contract required.  If Kingo feels the PaaS system is not as straightforward to use he can cancel with only one month’s notice. I believe Platform as a Service is the best alternative for 1-888-JUNK-VAN. It will help alleviate the IT issues which will ultimately help the business prosper and grow.

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